Last week The Bug Theatre received several allegations of sexual misconduct committed by an employee of our longtime renter Equinox Theatre Company. Our investigation revealed evidence about this harassment indicating this had been on-going and a known secret in the community for years, having been escalated to our renter’s management several times while going unaddressed. We spent several days talking to members of the community, listening and learning as much as we could, and we are heartbroken and outraged at what we learned.
In response to this situation, The Bug Theatre has terminated its professional relationship with Equinox Theatre Company, with all remaining contracts for dates in our venue being cancelled. The individuals who failed to address this situation have been removed from the Bug Performance and Media Art Center's Board of Directors, and their employment has been terminated. Any future relationship with their theater company will be contingent upon a demonstrated track record of action and change, including consultation with the community that was hurt by their inaction.
We are eternally grateful to the women who came forward for their bravery in sharing their stories with us. Victims of sexual misconduct deserve to be heard. We are acutely aware that the trauma from these experiences can cause profound and irreparable harm, altering the lives of those who are affected.
The Bug Theatre is dedicated to providing a safe environment in which all members of our community can see and create art without fear or threat of sexual aggression. Let us be clear:
· We will not tolerate sexual harassment, assault, or aggression in any form at The Bug Theatre.
· We will actively listen to, support, and protect any member of our community who comes forward with information or allegations about misconduct, and will take any such allegations seriously and respond with appropriate action.
· We will proactively work to prevent harm and create a community that is aware of and sensitive to the issues of sexual harassment and assault.
· We will always prioritize the safety and well-being of our artists, our patrons, and our staff above all else.
There is no excuse for what has transpired, and all of us at The Bug Theatre wish to extend our deepest of apologies to the women, and our community, who were affected by this. The actions we have taken to attempt to resolve this can't undo the damage, but we hope it is a first step towards creating a better, safer, and brighter future for The Bug Theatre and our community.
If there is anyone who wishes to contact us on this matter they can do so at Additionally, Equinox Theatre Company has engaged a moderator to allow anyone who wishes to contact them anonymously to do so, which can be done by emailing
The Bug Theatre